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Dundalk rappers create song for the Baltimore Ravens ahead of playoffs

Dundalk rappers create rap for Baltimore Ravens ahead of playoffs
Dundalk rappers create rap for Baltimore Ravens ahead of playoffs 04:03

BALTIMORE -- Last summer, WJZ introduced the Baltimore area rapping roofer who created a cover of the popular rap song "Straight Outta Compton" called "Straight Outta Dundalk."

Logan Lambert called on local musicians to collaborate on the music with him. They shot a video showcasing the song at various local landmarks. That song quickly became an anthem of pride for the Dundalk community.

WJZ's Denise Koch joins Dundalk rap crew 00:17

This year, the roofer and his rap crew are singing the praises of the Baltimore Ravens in a song titled "Kings in the North."

Lambert and his crew built a studio using money that was donated to them by their fans.

The group is constantly writing songs, skits, and producing commercials—but this project is different.

"We did our research, though," rap contribute Josh Matthews said. "I mean, we are Ravens fans, but we still made sure that we had everything accurate and wanted to represent the Ravens the best we could."

The guys have been posting online as they've been creating and, so far, at least four Ravens team members have seen the song.

"Lamar Jackson and a few others, they have been following us, and we see you, and we love it. Keep following us, please," Matthews said. "We love it.."

The group will premier their new song in its entirety at Jimmy's Famous Seafood on Saturday before the big game.

"We're not stopping unitl Lamar Jackson says, 'Houston, do you hear what those Dundalk boys are doing," Finch Flores, a member of the rap crew, said.

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