Coronavirus Latest: Roads Around Lake Montebello Closed For Essential Exercise
BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- People now may have an easier time walking or exercising around Lake Montebello and are encouraged to do so as long as they practice social distancing.
Parts of the area will close to vehicular traffic so Baltimore residents can walk and bicycle safely around the lake.
"This pilot program expands people's walking and biking options while helping residents get some much-needed fresh air in an appropriate space," Mayor Young said. "I have tasked the Department of Transportation with finding solutions to allow our residents ways of practicing social distancing in a safe environment."
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Residents visiting the lake must stay in compliance with the rules of staying six feet apart from each other.
Baltimore resident Jade Underwood met up with a friend to exercise together while remaining socially distant.
"When you're inside all the time (it) can be tough on your mental health, so being able to exercise is a good release of those endorphins," Underwood said.
A similar pilot program at Druid Hill Park proved successful, officials said, leading to its expansion at Lake Montebello.
"Other cities around the world are doing this; there's no reason why Baltimore can't be a leader for open streets, healthy streets, for the people who live here," Del. Robbyn Lewis (D-Baltimore) said.
The following streets will be impacted by soft closures:
Lake Montebello:
- All roadways circulating Lake Montebello closed, including Whitman Drive and Curran Drive
- Detour using E. 32nd Street and Harford Road
- Closure of Curran Drive to vehicular traffic. Entrances to park are closed at Whitman Drive and Lake Montebello Drive and/or Chesterfield Avenue (options depend on construction contractor)
- There will be no vehicular access to Lake Montebello Drive. Neighborhood outlet at Lake Montebello Terrace.
Local Access Only:
- Residential streets immediately adjacent to Lake Montebello will be utilized for local access only.
"As the weather continues to change, DOT is taking action to help maintain and protect the health of our residents," Department of Transportation Director Steve Sharkey said. "This new addition to our pilot program creates more options and opportunities for our residents to exercise as the city works to maintain and protect the health of our residents."
For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.