Coronavirus Latest: FedEx Field Testing Site Closes In Prince George's County, Moves To Cheverly Clinic
CHEVERLY, Md. (WJZ) -- The coronavirus testing site at FedEx Field closed Wednesday, but testing will reopen at the Prince George's County health department's Cheverly clinic starting Monday.
County Executive Angela Alsobrooks said this will increase testing capacity and no longer depend on the weather.
"We know that some residents have better access to COVID-19 testing than others, so we are committed to increasing our COVID-19 testing capacity in the County to address this gap," said Alsobrooks. "By moving testing operations to our Cheverly Health Clinic, we will be able to test at least 200 people per day without concern for weather. Expanding testing capacity, as well as ensuring equitable access to testing for all residents, will be a critical factor in helping us reopen Prince George's."
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Last weekend, a pilot screening and testing operation began at the Cheverly clinic and the facility is open Thursday.
Starting Monday, COVID-19 testing will be available Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Testing continues to be by appointment only, and residents wishing to make an appointment should call the County's COVID-19 hotline at 301-883-6627.
More than 1,600 people were tested and 2,000 were screened at FedEx Field, which opened on March 30.
Alsobrooks said the county will open two more testing sites.
Residents must still meet CDC testing guidelines to schedule a COVID-19 testing appointment. Any resident experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, such as cough, shortness of breath and fever, can call our COVID-19 hotline for an initial telehealth screening at 301-883-6627. Anyone who meets CDC testing guidelines will receive an appointment date and time to be seen at the COVID-19 testing facility.
For more information and resources related to COVID-19 in Prince George's County, please visit
For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.