Coronavirus Latest: Baltimore Will Not Move To Phase 3, Anticipates Being Phase 2 Ready With 50% Indoor Dining By Next Week
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore City will not move into Phase Three, Mayor Young announced Wednesday morning.
While some parts of the state may feel ready to move fully into Phase Three, that is not the case for Baltimore City, he said-meaning theaters and other venues must remain closed.
He said while the city does anticipate to move into Phase 2 next week, allowing 50 percent indoor dining capacity. All other restrictions in the city will not change Friday at 5 p.m., he added.
"We do not want to erase the gains we made last month," he said, reminding residents that Labor Day weekend is approaching.
Mayor Young said now is not the time to be planning large parties, cookouts, or other celebrations, including religious events.
"We can not host cookouts with people outside of your household, wear masks when in public, practice social distancing out in public," he said.
"The governor's in Phase Three- we are not in Phase Three," he said. "We're moving to Phase Two."
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In other parts of Maryland, movie theaters and live entertainment venues will be able to open Friday at 5 p.m. at 50 percent capacity or up to 100 people at indoor venues and 250 people at outdoor venues.
All retail stores, as well as churches and houses of worship, will be allowed to increase capacity from 50 to 75 percent.
Harford and Howard counties said shortly after Gov. Hogan's announcement they will move into Stage 3, citing their low metrics.
For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.