Calvert Cliffs In Spotlight After Japan's Earthquake & Tsunami
BALTIMORE (AP) -- The disaster in Japan is raising some ugly questions about what is usually billed as a clean power source -- nuclear power. Some question if Calvert Cliffs in Maryland is safe.
Andrea Fujii reports officials at nuclear facilities insist they've taken precautions.
Explosions have been reported in Japan's nuclear facilities. The latest happened overnight. New before and after pictures have been released of the Fukushima Daiichi Plant.
An American engineer who helped the Japanese build some plants fears what could happen next.
"They need power, that the whole control room is powered up. I don't know whether they've lost power to the whole control room or not," said Ron Karzmar, physicist/engineer. "I mean, we never anticipated the tsunami."
The ongoing disaster is turning the spotlight on the two nuclear reactors at Calvert Cliffs in Lusby.
Calvert Cliffs say the reactors are safe and are designed to withstand any seismic activity.
Senator Joe Lieberman, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee, says he still supports nuclear energy.
"I don't want to stop the building of nuclear power plants, but I think we've got to quickly put the brakes on until we can absorb what has happened," said Senator Joe Lieberman, (I) Connecticut.
Some Maryland families are still trying to absorb what has happened, because they have loved ones still in Japan.
"Hey, it's me. I'm just calling to let you know that I arrived safely to Japan and promptly had a 8.8 earthquake," said Oliver Jones.
Mount Vernon resident Oliver Jones was finally able to call home to let his family know he's OK.
"He said it was so scary, it was crazy. Lights were falling out of the ceiling and coming down and they were evacuated immediately outside of the airport," said Lola Jones, mother.
Others are still waiting to hear news.
"We have brother, sister, I can't contact. Wife too, she have no one to talk to," said Shunji Watanabe, Japan Karate and Judo Center.
Some two million homes are without power in Japan. People that have power are subject to rolling blackouts to conserve energy.