BSO Starts Its 31st Season On A High Note With Pink Martini
BALTIMORE (WJZ)—They describe themselves as "little orchestra," and this weekend they're set to shake things up on stage with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra to kick off their musical season.
Christie Ileto has more.
The sights and sounds of Pink Martini will take center stage at the Meyerhoff on Saturday with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra for their opening gala.
Conductor Jack Everly says when you combine the two "it's a party. It is a musical party."
The band is known for performing an array of vintage songs. Their newest album is due out at the end of the month.
BSO musicians warmed up Friday to make sure they don't skip a beat come show time.
"It's this infusion of jazz, Turkish or Japanese. It's a samba, danceable and very hip. It's very hip," Everly said.
The white tent is going up. The tables are being assembled for the symphony's 31st anniversary.
The gala is expected to raise $700,000-$800,000, which benefits BSO's education programs.
"The orchestra is a really critical member of our community, and really branches out in providing music not only in our concert halls, but also in our communities," said Dale Hedding, vice president of development at BSO.
And with dozens of programs like the OrchKids and Music Box Series, the symphony is able to help upwards of 50,000 city children a year and start their musical season on yet another high note.
Tickets to the performance are still available but are going fast. To buy tickets for Pink Martini's performance, click here.