Baltimore Schools Offer Programs To Prevent Learning Loss During Summer
BALTIMORE (WJZ)-- A new summer initiative kicked off Wednesday in East Baltimore.
Monique Griego has more on how you can help your kids make the most of their time off.
When kids ditch the classroom for summer break, for many parents, the stress begins.
"Yeah it can be, because kids tend to drive you crazy," Shanedra Williams, a parent, said.
To avoid a summer slump, school leaders say it's important to keep kids' bodies busy and their minds sharp.
"What we know is that kids lose a lot of the learning that they gained in the school year during the summer if they don't continue to read, learn and practice what they just learned," Crystal Ashe, a teacher at Baltimore City Schools, said.
The Enoch Pratt Free Library is just one of the organizations teaming up with Baltimore City to prevent learning loss through the Super Summer initiative that kicked off on Wednesday at Brehms Lane Elementary.
"This is a huge step forward that we're ensuring not only the quantity but the quality of the opportunities available to our young people over the summer," Jessica Brown at the Enoch Pratt Library said.
Super Summer is made up of a variety of programs that will help students stay up on their reading, math and other subjects.
"It's a place where kids can become engaged, learn and enjoy themselves," Brown said.
In addition to academics, the programs offer kids fun activities so they can burn off energy. Many will also provide healthy meals which is important for a city where 85 percent of students receive food assistance during the school year.
District leaders say it's a whole new way to take on the summer, and parents seem to appreciate the help.
"A lot of kids need summer camps, summer programs. Because they're out in the street and they can get into things," Williams said.
Most of the Super Summer programs are free or have a minimal cost. There will be a registration fair on Saturday, May 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the War Memorial in downtown Baltimore.