Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott To Launch Program For Guaranteed Monthly Income To Some Low-Income Families
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott is joining other mayors across the country to create a guaranteed income pilot program.
The group, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, includes mayors who are advocating for direct, recurring cash payments to citizens.
"Baltimore is the birthplace of redlining and residential segregation. That legacy shows up in the stark inequalities of our city today, which have been exacerbated by this pandemic. To ensure the economic security and dignity of our residents, we must be willing to invest in bold solutions," said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. "I look forward to measuring the impact of this pilot program in Baltimore and joining other cities to build the case for federal policies that put more money into low-income households through guaranteed income."
At least 11 other cities are involved. The goal is to create momentum for a federal guaranteed income program. Similar programs in other cities have given a small number of households, Scott's office said, with a guaranteed income of $500-$1,000 a month over 18-24 months.
Some were randomly selected from low-income households, while others targeted specific populations including Black female-led households and Black mothers, or marginalized residents such as returning citizens and undocumented immigrants.
The pilots to-date are funded philanthropically, though the pilot in St. Paul, MN also leverages federal CARES Act funding, in addition to philanthropic support, Mayor Scott's office said.
This idea has been introduced by politicians and community leaders across the country, most notably Andrew Yang, a former presidential candidate and now current mayoral candidate for New York City.
To further the program, Mayor Scott is forming a steering committee this February, co-chaired by Danielle Torain, director of OSI-Baltimore and Joe Jones, President and CEO of the Center for Urban Families.
The pilot program is set to launch in Fall 2021, Mayor Scott said. For more information on the mayor-led guaranteed income movement, visit
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