Autopsy: Nothing Obvious As Cause Of Brittany Jackson's Death
LANDSDOWNE, Md. (WJZ) -- Desperate for answers. A community is on edge after a three-year-old girl was found wandering in a nearby parking lot while her mother was dead inside their home.
Rick Ritter has the latest on the investigation.
Three-year-old Jaycia Jackson remains in custody of Social Services. Police are staying tight-lipped about the investigation as plenty of questions remain unanswered.
It's a story that's turning stomachs across the region. Three-year-old Jaycia Jackson was found wandering alone; her mother, Brittany, was found dead.
"It's sad," said neighbor Lisa Burnette. "It's really sad."
It all unfolded Sunday night when the little girl was spotted in a CVS parking lot. Frank Myers was the first to approach her and says it was obvious she was hungry and upset.
"She seemed to be in shock and disarray. She did have blood on her," he said.
Police say it wasn't until Monday morning that they found out where the child lived. They say someone in the community knew where she was staying and that there was a dead body inside. That's when detectives found Brittany Jackson dead in her home off Hollins Ferry Road. Since then, Twitter has erupted with concerned parents.
There are still plenty of unanswered questions: how long was the child wandering for? How long was her mother dead inside their home?
"Really, how the girl even got out of the house with no one seeing her," said Terry Repoly.
On Tuesday, balloons were put on their doorstep by family and friends.
Repoly knew the mother and daughter.
"She was a real nice woman," Repoly said. "Took care of her child real well."
He says the outfit Jaycia was wearing when found was given to her by his wife---now splattered in blood and a mystery to many.
"And we don't know and that's the worst part and the answers are really hard to get from anyone," he said.
Police say there are no obvious signs of foul play.
"A preliminary autopsy on the body of Brittany Jackson did not reveal anything obvious," said Cpl. John Wachter.
But no official cause of death as a community on edge anxiously awaits.
"It may some time; they'll get some answers. Just have to have faith in God," Burnette said.
Further testing and toxicology reports are expected to take several weeks.
Police say the child will remain in the care of Social Services until they can find a family member to take her.