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Sonoma County issues health advisory for Tough Mudder participants after reports of rashes, fever

PIX Now Evening Edition 8-23-23
PIX Now Evening Edition 8-23-23 08:37

Sonoma County issued a health advisory following reports of rashes with fever, muscle aches and other symptoms following a Tough Mudder race on Aug. 19 and 20.

The race happened at the Sonoma Raceway, and the reports came from participants.

UPDATE: Sonoma County zeroing in on pathogen responsible for "Tough Mudder" illnesses

According to the city, the "extensive skin exposure to mud" may have caused Swimmers Itch, a staph infection or possibly a bacterial infection such as Aeromonas.

"If you participated in the race and have a rash with fever or other symptoms, please see your medical provider or, if you do not have a medical provider, your local emergency department," the county said.

Most people who were affected have reported pustular rash, fever, myalgias and headaches. Other symptoms include nausea/vomiting about a day after the event. Anyone who wants additional information is directed to call Sonoma County Public Health at: 707-565-4567.

KPIX reached out to Tough Mudder about the reports and received the following statement.

"We are aware of some reports of individuals experiencing an adverse health reaction following participation in the Tough Mudder Sonoma event this past weekend. We want to let you know, that the health and safety of the Tough Mudder community is always our top priority, and accordingly, we are actively taking all necessary steps to fully investigate the matter. If you are experiencing any medical concerns, please consider seeing your doctor. We thank you for understanding and patience as we continue to look into the matter."

Tough Mudder

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