San Francisco Offers Puppy Dogged Solution For Panhandling Problem
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF/AP) -- San Francisco hopes a cold nose and a warm heart will help end the problem of panhandling.
Beginning in August, the city will offer panhandlers up to $75 a week to stop begging and foster problem puppies from city animal shelters until the pups are ready for adoption.
The pilot program is called Wonderful Opportunities for Occupants and Fidos, or Woof. It's believed to be the first of its kind in the country. Applicants will be screened to weed out the homeless and severely mentally ill.
Mayor Ed Lee's point person on homelessness, Bevan Dufty, said it's a way to get panhandlers an income in a way that helps the city and its animals.
(Copyright 2012 by CBS San Francisco. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)