San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Wants To Know Most Dangerous Streets, Starts #ParkingDirtySF Social Media Campaign
SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) – Keeping the streets safe in San Francisco – it's a constant struggle for transit officials in the city. Now, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is taking to social media to try to help track down the most dangerous streets and intersections.
Earlier this month, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, Police Chief Greg Suhr and Ed Reiskin, Director of Transportation for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency announced plans to crackdown on drivers who double park or "block the box."
Sgt. Monica McDonald with the San Francisco Police Department said traffic enforcement is already focusing on the area of the Van Ness corridor and Civic Center. "One thing leads to the next and we have one driver blocking the box and then, no one else can get across the intersection," she said.
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Wants To Know Most Dangerous Streets, Starts #ParkingDirtySF Social Media Campaign
Charlie, a service provider who drives truck for a well-known company, is one of many frustrated by the seemingly constant gridlock in San Francisco. He's been towed once and has had his share of tickets, including for "blocking the box."
"During working hours, it's horrible in San Francisco, no matter where you go," he said. "Traffic is so bad that you can't even get through a second light to get across. So now that you've made the attempt and made it all the way to the crosswalk, guess what, you get a ticket for that."
It's not just drivers who are frustrated. Student Sierra Smith weaves her body between cars and trucks to cross the street with a green light. "Half the time, drivers get super annoyed that you're even doing it, which is really upsetting because we have the right of way," she said.
With frustration for many at a boiling point, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has launched a campaign to understand where the problems are the worst in the city.
"It's a lot to keep track of. We just want to help support them in this project," said Tyler Frisbee, Policy Director for the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. "We're not trying to call anyone out in particular. We're saying this is a citywide problem and people need to follow the rules because it's not just about your personal convenience, it's about the safety of everyone on the road."
People can post a photo of the offense they witness on Twitter using the hashtag #ParkingDirtySF and are asked to include where the "dirty deed" took place.