Records Show Walnut Creek Cop Mishandled Dozens Of Cases
WALNUT CREEK (CBS SF) - Newly released records show how a Walnut Creek police officer mishandled evidence and made false statements in dozens of cases.
Newly released records show how a Walnut Creek police officer mishandled evidence and made false statements in dozens of cases.
An investigator found that in 2017, Walnut Creek Police Officer Curtis Borman falsified 31 reports over a two-year period, and that he failed to book photos and videos into evidence, or turned them in weeks late.
In one case, he lost a bag of Vicodin pills that were seized during an arrest, and claimed he threw them away.
At the time, investigators recommended that Borman be fired, but he wasn't. Instead, the police chief put him on a "last chance" program.
Borman is still on the job.