Photo Of Barefoot Space Invader On SFO-Bound Flight Goes Viral
SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) -- Jessie Char was delighted when she boarded a recent JetBlue flight from Long Beach to SFO.
She posted a picture to social media: "My two favorite people to sit with on a plane," she commented about her photo which showed an empty row of seats.
"I was jazzed!" Char told KPIX. "I left the arm rests up -- my private bench in the sky! I was so excited ... for about three minutes," she said.
What came next was an egregious breach of personal space -- and airplane etiquette: two bare feet shoved between the window seat next to Char.
Char snapped a photo and tweeted: "Today, I flew on the set of a nightmare."
"It was a doozy, it was kind've surreal to see it," Char recalls. "If you've seen the picture, it looks like two severed feet right there. There was a touch of horror in the image. It was funny though," she said
Char says that, at least, the feet didn't smell but they weren't still either.
"What you didn't see in the picture is when the left foot reached over and opened the window shade and closed it," Char says.
Char, a conference designer in San Francisco, says that as airline incidents have become popular on social media, it doesn't surprise her that the feet photo has resonated. Still, she says it has been a strange experience.
"It's been nuts. Everybody gets their 15 minutes; I didn't think mine would be foot-related."