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North Bay dad a hoops hero after dropping pounds, gaining likes

North Bay dad a hoops hero after dropping pounds, gaining likes
North Bay dad a hoops hero after dropping pounds, gaining likes 02:27

ROHNERT PARK -- The COVID lockdown changed one North Bay man's life in a good way. Mitchell Muehl started to play ball and lost a lot of weight but that's not all. He's even attracted the attention of a Golden State Warrior.

This 36-year-old husband and father of two has got game -- at least on social media.

Muehl has roughly 600,000 followers across his TikTok, Instagram and Facebook accounts.

"I wake up and I'm like 'Is this really happening still?'" said Muehl, who calls himself Neighborhood Buckets.

At nearly 5'11" Muehl works on his dunk off the court. He weighs in just below 280 pounds and that has earned him some interesting nicknames.

"I can't remember the exact account that posted it but they said 'Hey, let's give this guy a nickname. There must've been 10,000 comments. Tracy McGravy, Shaquille O'Meal, Filet Thompson, Entrees Igoudala," Muehl recalled.

Muehl is having fun with the online attention but he never expected his love for basketball would catch the attention of his favorite Warrior, Draymond Green.

"You know he left me a little comment saying 'He's athletic.' There were laughing emojis but that was a great day to get a little recognition."

Muehl jokes he's ready any time head coach Steve Kerr calls on him to play 30 productive seconds for the Warriors.

"Now, at my older age -- I'm about to turn 37 -- a little load management is necessary for me at this point."

He can see the impact his social media accounts are having on his followers: To do something you love and believe in yourself.

"I get these messages saying 'Hey you motivate me to go out and I've lost weight.' Now a bunch of my friends are going out and playing pick up. I love that."

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