Marin High School Students Forced To Retake AP Tests Over Admin Error
KENTFIELD (KPIX 5) -- After months of studying, some Marin Catholic High students were dealt some devastating news recently when they learned a technicality will require them to take their advanced placement tests over.
"There wasn't any cheating. There were moderators pacing up and down," insisted Marin Catholic High student Abby Ranghiasci
But it wasn't students breaking the rules during the AP tests; it was the administrators.
"To have such a monumental failure to follow rules is kind of stunning," said Miles Sanford, another Marin Catholic High student.
A letter went out to parents and students Monday informing them that a tweet caused all of the damage. The school president tweeted a picture of students beginning testing last week saying quote, "AP tests in full swing. Show them what you know Cats!"
That picture, which has since been taken down, made its way to the AP College Board.
What it revealed to administrators was that apparently the students weren't seated far enough apart during the exams.
Rules about how close students can sit to each other during the testing are very specific. Marin Catholic students were 24 inches too close.
"It means a lot to me, because it has to do with college credit and even college admissions," said Sanford.
Students will be allowed to retake the tests next week, with the exception of Kelly Buchanan, who already had plans to be out of town.
"I'm not here for the retake, because I had no finals. So I have a trip," said Buchanan. "Cancellation fees are too much, so I can't take the retakes."
Buchanan is planning to study engineering in college. If she doesn't retake the test, she won't get college credit. She worries it could impact her college applications in the fall.
The president was extremely apologetic. He said after multiple appeals with the AP College Board, they wouldn't budge. He asked that the school be punished instead of students, but in the end, he said the result is the result. Retakes begin next week.