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Man guilty of sexually assaulting woman in her San Francisco Tenderloin District apartment

PIX Now 11:53

SAN FRANCISCO -- A man was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman in her San Francisco Tenderloin District apartment last June and faces over 12 years in prison, District Attorney Brooke Jenkins announced on Wednesday.

Sarith Soun, 41, was arrested on June 22, 2022, on reports of him violently attacking and sexually assaulting a woman in her apartment. He attempted to rape the woman and threatened to kill her if she told anybody about the attack, said the district attorney's office.

A San Francisco jury determined that Soun was guilty of assault to commit rape, attempted rape, sexual battery by restraint, assault by means likely to cause bodily harm, and criminal threats.

"The jury's verdict delivers justice for the survivor and reinforces that those who commit sexual assault in our city will be held accountable," said Jenkins. "We hope that this allows the survivor in this case to begin the process of healing. She has shown immeasurable courage through this prosecution, and I am confident that she will serve as an inspiration to other survivors."

Soun has been in custody since his arrest and faces a sentence of over 12 years in prison.

"This conviction is a testament to the power, courage, and strength of the survivor who bravely conveyed the events of her sexual assault to the jury," said Assistant District Attorney Melissa Demetral, who prosecuted the case. "I am grateful to the San Francisco Police Department for their outstanding investigative work that ensured that the jury had the tools they needed to hold the defendant accountable, and to the jury for taking care and deliberation in reaching their decision." 

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