Hundreds Of Climate Scientists Rally Against President-Elect Trump
SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) -- Hundreds of climate researchers rallied in the Bay Area, vowing to fight back against Donald Trump.
It's the world's largest gathering of earth scientists and this year the topic focused on the President-elect, and his administration's potential threat to climate research.
Researchers from around the world gathered in San Francisco to deliver their defiant message.
Hundreds of the brightest scientific minds, and many concerned Bay Area citizens, gathered in Jessie Square to challenge the new Trump administration, specifically the President-elect's rhetoric on climate change.
They said every time Trump makes a new appointment they grow more concerned.
That's why they've decided activism is just as important as scientific research.
Georgia Tech's Dr. Kim Cobb said, "Whatever is holding you back as a scientist, what are you waiting for?"
Edward Maiback with George Mason University said, "Politics may be a game but protecting our Earth's climate on which we all depend is not a game"
Every year more than 20,000 researchers descend on the Bay Area for the American Geophysical Union's fall meeting. This year though, they felt compelled to step out of their labs and into the streets to raise awareness about climate change.
Harvard University's Dr. Naomi Oreskes said, "It's not enough just to do our science, we have to get out to explain to people why our science matters to them, to their jobs, to their communities, to their health and well-being."
Brant Olson with said, "A lot of scientists have been afraid to speak out, so this event is about showing the science community that the public has their back."
Olson helped organize the demonstration. He wants people to encourage their lawmakers to directly block Trump's appointment of Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt has said the debate on climate change is far from settled.
Olson said people need to have real concern and need to act to make sure that their senators are going to stand in the way of these nominations once they come into the senate
The group sees these appointments as a signal that the President-elect does not intend to make limiting carbon emissions a priority.
If Rex Tillerson -- the CEO of Exxon Mobile -- is confirmed as Secretary of State, Donald Trump will have a close advisor who's been directly involved in the fossil fuel industry.