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Hart of Dixie - 'Homecoming & Coming Home'


Noticing that Zoe (Rachel Bilson) is feeling homesick, Lavon (Cress Williams) suggests that she host his annual pre-game homecoming party to help her feel more connected to Bluebell. Zoe jumps at the opportunity and decides to enlist the help of her friend Gigi (guest star Megan Stevenson) from New York, but as it turns out New York and Bluebell have very different ideas of what makes a good party. Meanwhile, George (Scott Porter) and Wade (Wilson Bethel) hatch a plan to get even with their high school nemesis, Jimmy (guest star Sean Carrigan), but when Lemon (Jaime King) catches wind of their scheme she wants in on the action, too. Jeremiah Checkik directed the episode written by Rina Mimoun.


Hart of Dixie - "Homecoming And Coming Home" Preview
Hart of Dixie - "Homecoming And Coming Home" Preview
Hart of Dixie - "Homecoming And Coming Home" Preview

(Copyright 2012 by CW Bay Area | CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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