Gov. Jerry Brown Has $24M In Campaign Cash, Neel Kashkari $680K
SACRAMENTO (CBS / AP) -- Gov. Jerry Brown is reporting that he has nearly $24 million left for his re-election campaign, while Republican challenger Neel Kashkari has $680,000 remaining.
In a report filed Monday with the secretary of state's office, the Democratic governor says he has $23.6 million in the bank and has spent just $402,000 this year.
Kashkari has $4.9 million so far this year. That includes $4.4 million his campaign spent on a tough primary election contest in which Kashkari contributed $2 million of his own money.
Brown also is raising money for two November ballot measures. A campaign committee supporting a water bond and a beefed up state rainy day fund reported having $6.6 million.
Campaigns have until midnight Monday to report their fundraising and spending through Sept. 30.
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