Ferrari Bursts Into Flames At Martinez Gas Station
MARTINEZ (KPIX 5) -- A Ferrari burst into flames while its owner fueled up at a gas station in Martinez Sunday.
Al Cui told KPIX he was putting the gas nozzle back on the car when he saw a spark.
"I turned to look, and realized flames were erupting from above the engine, so I immediately grabbed the fire extinguisher to put it out," he said.
But no luck. The Ferrari burst into flames just inches away from the potentially explosive fuel pumps.
CI and others at the gas station ran for cover, and watched as the Ferrari started rolling itself away from the gas station, and into the street.
"I had it in gear, but I think the car got hot enough that it must have popped something into place and the car ended up rolling into the street. Thank God, because as you can see it could have flamed up this gas station and would have been an ugly scene," he said.
The 1978 Ferrari turned black, and charred from the passenger compartment to the tail of the car.
Cui said he's grateful to have gotten out of the situation alive. "It was a nice car," he said.
As for what he's going to do now: "I'm gonna see if I can get another one."
The owner of the station said he'd turned the gas pumps off as soon as he saw the flames.