Donald Trump Piñatas Become Popular Item In San Francisco's Mission District
SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – There's a hot new item on San Francisco's Mission Street. A likeness of Donald Trump, the kind you beat with a stick.
While piñatas are normally popular at children's parties, the piñata of the 2016 presidential candidate has become popular with adults.
"The Latino community is a little bit upset, some are angry," Mia Fregreso of San Francisco told KPIX 5. "So I guess they decided to make a piñata out of him, so people can beat the crap out of him basically."
The store owner refused to go on camera, saying it's all just good fun and political satire. And at nearly twice the cost of say, a Minnie Mouse piñata or a piñata of Woody from "Toy Story," the price doesn't seem to be an issue.
"Twenty Bucks! Yes! I guess people will pay twenty bucks to beat on Mr. Fake Donald Trump," Fregeso said.
Lauren Weissman is getting one as a present. She is more than just a little excited. "I literally jumped off the bus and ran in here to buy this," Weissman said.
Weissman said not everyone wants to bust open the piñata. In case some in her family are offended, she has a backup plan. "I can always keep it in the house and use it as a Voodoo Doll. Or use it to kick and punch whenever we get frustrated," Weissman said.
The owner said there hasn't been any request for Hillary Clinton piñatas so far, but the election is still a long ways off and anything could happen.
While Donald Trump's ideas may not be his cup of tea, he's enjoying that he has already sold more than 100 of the piñatas at $20 a pop.