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Board Of Supes To Vote On New Ways To Help Fund SF City College

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS)— A resolution introduced by San Francisco Supervisor Eric Mar that urges City College trustees to use new tax revenue to restore cuts from the school's budget has passed. The resolution now goes before the full Board of Supervisors for a vote.

Mar also wants the city to consider a direct subsidy like the ones that are now going to the school district either by Proposition H school funds or in-kind contributions.

City College is financially struggling to stay afloat and is fighting to maintain its accreditation and to keep classes open.

Mar said the goals should be to "keep City College open and thriving" and to make sure that the college is serving as many students as possible, "especially the most needy."

Meanwhile, the chancellor and trustees are locking horns with faculty over whether new revenues should be used to restore cuts or build a reserve. Faculty and their supporters want classes back.

"City College is a really valuable and vital institution in San Francisco. It's not just simply a place where people go to get their undergraduate requirements done and then move on," Mar said.

Board Of Supes To Vote On New Ways To Help Fund SF City College

Administrators were invited, but didn't attend the hearing.

(Copyright 2013 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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