Bay Area Meteorologist Says It's Time To Put Brakes On El Niño Hype
SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) -- A respected meteorologist says it may be time to pull back from the hype on El Niño, and blames the media, in part, for the expectation of heavy rain.
Golden Gate Weather Services meteorologist Jan Null says a ridge of high pressure off the West Coast has helped to push temperatures into the upper-70s and low 80's.
Null says the ridge of high pressure differs from the one that kept California bone dry for four years.
Anytime that we have a ridge along the west coast, it diverts the storm track," Null told KCBS' Dave Padilla.
Null contends that the media may be partially responsible for pushing the hype about heavier-than-normal rainfall.
The recent weather systems have been very kind to San Francisco's water supply, which should have more than enough water to supply the many Bay Area cities, rural districts and farms that depend on the Hetch Hetchy system.