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10 Movies You Can Watch That 'Dis' North Korea (Since Sony Won't Release 'The Interview')

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) -- After days of leaks and threats from North Korean cyber-hackers, Sony Pictures announced Friday it will not release "The Interview." In his End of the Year Press Conference, President Obama said they should.

The President provided some perspective to this act of "cyber terror," saying "they (N. Korea) decided to mount an all-out attack on a satirical movie starring Seth Rogan and James Franco... that was their notion of a threat? It gives you a sense of the kind of regime we are talking about."

When asked if he would watch the $44 million dollar production, he smiled and told reporters, "I don't release my full movie list."

Well, Mr. President, if you can't get your hands on a copy of "The Interview," here's a list of a few movies we all can watch this weekend that have plots that dis North Korea.

Olympus Has Fallen (2013) - The film is about a North Korean-led guerrilla assault on the White House, and a Secret Service agent's efforts to stop them.

Salt (2010) - Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) is being tortured in a North Korean prison on suspicion of being an American spy.

Die Another Day - The film follows Bond as he leads a mission to North Korea, during which he is tortured after bombing and blasting a rogue North Korean leader.

World War Z - North Korea is completely empty, with the entire population having disappeared

MASH (1970) - Satirical, black comedy about a unit of medical personnel stationed at a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) during the Korean War

Spy Kids 2001 - Children of secret-agent parents save them from danger.

30 Rock - Margaret Cho plays now-deceased North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il. In this plot, he's not dead, he's actually just a bartender in New York working for a caterer.

Double Agent (2003) - A North Korean intelligence officer who defects to South Korea.

Spy Girl (2004) - A South Korean film about a group of students who run a websites about the girls at their local Burger King. One of them is a North Korean spy.

Team America: World Police (2004) - The film uses marionettes to portray a fictional team of political paramilitary policemen who attempt to save the world from a violent terrorist plot led by Kim Jong-il

Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil (2006) - This sequel focuses on a fictional explanation for the Ryanggang explosion in 2004, in which an unexplained mushroom cloud occurred in North Korea.

Red Dawn (2012) - The morning after morning after a mysterious power outage, swarms of invading North Korean paratroopers and transport aircraft attack an American city.

(If you can think of any others, feel free to add them in the comment section.)

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