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YouTube Video Shows Golden Eagle Snatching Child; Students Take Credit For Creating It

MONTREAL (CBS13) — An incredible video that appears to show a golden eagle snatching a small child off the ground in a Montreal park has gone viral but isn't authentic, according to several media reports.

The video, posted by a YouTube user named "MrNuclearCat" shows the golden eagle circling above the park when it suddenly swoops, picks up the toddler in its talons and flies a few feet before dropping the child.

Warning: Contains Brief Graphic Language

Golden Eagle Snatches Kid by MrNuclearCat on YouTube

The toddler appears to be shaken but uninjured in the video.

The video was posted on YouTube on Tuesday and by Wednesday morning had more than 5 million views. Since its posting, three students in a 3D animation and digital design degree program at Montreal's Centre NAD say that both the eagle and the kid were created in 3D animation and integrated into the film afterwards.

The school has an annual "hoax the Internet" exam. The school issued a press release Wednesday crediting the students with creating the video.

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