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Small Sacramento County community rocked by string of robberies, break-ins

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Oakdale man delivers food, other donations to LA fire victims 02:14

WALNUT GROVE — Break-ins, shattered glass, and armed robberies: a crime spree is causing a stir in the quiet Sacramento County town of Walnut Grove. 

City officials and residents say that not a lot happens there, and this new surge in crime has them on edge. 

The Mexican restaurant Fat Lou's was hit Wednesday morning. Glass was still on the floor several hours later and their door was now boarded up. The business was the latest to be hit in this eerie string of break-ins and robberies. 

In December, one taco stand that is a staple in the community was also hit just as it was closing up for the night. 

"Two guys came up, pointed a gun at me and put it to my head," one worker said. "The other went to my wife and put a pistol to her head. Then they took all the money."

"It surprised us because nothing like that has happened, people around here are really calm and respectful." 

Over the past two months, Pizza Factory,  across the street from the taco stand, had to replace two windows. 

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office is searching for a suspect or suspect and is investigating whether other recent crimes in Walnut Grove are connected. 

"It very well could be," sheriff's spokesperson Sgt. Amar Gandhi said. "This is something that community is not used to seeing and something that we're not used to seeing in that area." 

Gandhi said the recent string of crimes is prompting a stronger patrol from the sheriff's office, which has jurisdiction in the area. 

"We don't typically have a huge patrol presence in a particular area, but in light of these recent crimes, patrols have ramped up," Gandhi said. 

The sheriff's office asks that if you have any photos, videos or information about these incidents to contact them.

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