1,000 Breweries Lined Up To Make 'Resilience IPA' That Will Benefit Camp Fire Victims
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – You could call them pints with a purpose.
The benefits of beer are reaching far beyond Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. with its "Resilience Butte County Proud IPA."
"We've seen the devastation and destruction in those communities and how it's affected all of California," said Dave Gull from New Helvetia Brewing Company.
New Helvetia is one of hundreds of companies answering the call from the Chico-based brewery to help Camp Fire victims get back on their feet
The deal?
Sierra Nevada supplies its special Butte County blend and other breweries make it and sell it – with all the proceeds going to the Camp Fire relief fund.
"This is one small way the craft brewing community can help. We can brew beer," Gull said.
Resilience Butte County Proud IPA is expected to be available in stores beginning in January.