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Passion Party Planned For Injured Pooch

CITRUS HEIGHTS (CBS13) -- Sasha's story is one that'll touch people of all ages, but the injured puppy's fundraiser is for adults only.

Dr. Marci Webb just couldn't turn her away. After all who can say no to these puppy eyes?
A baby boxer was hit by a car Sunday, then abandoned by her owners.

Her owners love the dog dearly but are unable to pay for her medical costs after her hind legs were crushed. She has a fractured femur and her hip on her left side is fractured.

Webb at Mercy Pet Hospital in Citrus Heights took her in, footing the cost that's already well over $1,000. She'll likely need a specialist surgeon, which could cost another $2,000.

"Shes really pulled through with just a great attitude," Webb said. "She's been very calm and loving."

A pricy pooch that just fell into Dr. Webb's lap. But more bills are not what this brand new low-cost hospital needs.

"In order for me to keep my prices low for my clients, I have to watch my costs so we're asking for donations for her," Webb explained to CBS13's Neda Iranpour.

And that's where passion party consultant Lisa Cuellar steps in.

"The whole thing has gotten so much attention, but yeah, dogs and passion parties usually don't go together," Cuellar admitted.

Wondering what goes on at one of these female fiestas?

They're selling products like Romanta Therapy, Simply Sensual, Man in a Can -- you get the point.

Some might call this Saturday's fundraiser unconventional or downright naughty. But Lisa calls it a good cause.

"It's gotten way bigger than expected, which is fabulous," she said.

This former vet technician turned stay-at-home mom finds pleasure in saving an adorable pup.

"When i saw that face my heart melted, my heart broke," she said

While Sasha's at the hopsital healing, little does she know she's getting a lot of love from strangers. And in a way that might even make a dog blush.

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