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Lodi Police See Spike In Crimes

LODI (CBS13) — Sunny skies and spring-like conditions may be one reason thieves are on a stealing spree, breaking into homes and cars in usually off-limits Lodi neighborhoods.

"It's been so nice lately people are outside," Lodi police Lt. Tod Patterson said. "With the nice weather and everyone being out, our call volume has stayed the same if not went up."

Lodi police took eight burglary reports on the Jan. 1. In the past week, seven people have reportedly been arrested on charges of burglary or attempted burglary and two have been arrested for petty theft.

And the fear is the trend will continue to grow.

"You hear things happen in other towns and then it happens on your street, it's a big change of thinking," said Lodi resident Terry Hieb.

Central Lodi neighbors are on alert after a broad daylight break in Thursday. People on one block fought back and surrounded a bad guy, holding him until cops arrived.

It wasn't long before officers realized one of the suspects was a familiar face.

"The gentleman that we did catch had just been arrested on (Jan. 8) and released on (Jan. 9) for burglary also," Patterson said.

Police say reports of thieves stealing from cars soared 30 percent last month compared to the same time the year before.

But investigators say some folks are making it easy for bad guys. CBS13 found a neighbor's car trunk left wide open on the same street where the break-in happened Thursday.

Police say people in Lodi are used to leaving valuables in plain sight.

"Whether it be loose change, computers, GPS units and a number of people aren't locking their cars," Patterson said.

Neighbors want thieves to know Lodi's small town charm can't be stolen.
"Lodi is our longtime loveable, livable Lodi," resident Ruth Hieb said. "We've always loved this town."

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