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LeBron James Early Leader In All-Star Voting

NEW YORK (AP) LeBron James is the early vote-getter for the NBA All-Star game, edging Kevin Durant.

The Miami Heat star has 609,336 votes, while the Oklahoma City's Durant trails by about 2,000 votes in the first returns announced by the league on Thursday.

The Lakers' Kobe Bryant (501,215) and the Clippers' Chris Paul (393,313) pace the Western Conference backcourt players. The Heat's Dwyane Wade (396,279) is the East's top vote-getter in the backcourt, followed by the Cavaliers' Kyrie Irving (365,712).

Paul George of the Indiana Pacers (489,335) and the New York Knicks' Carmelo Anthony (424,211) are next in the Eastern Conference.

The Rockets' Dwight Howard (295,120) and the Clippers' Blake Griffin (292,925) lead the West frontcourt.

The All-Star game will be held in New Orleans Arena on Feb. 16.

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