Deputy Shoots, Kills Woman Reportedly Armed With Knife In Nevada County
ALTA SIERRA (CBS13) – A woman was killed in an officer-involved shooting in the town of Alta Sierra on Thursday.
Nevada County Sheriff's deputies contacted the woman around 1 p.m. in the area of Alta Sierra Drive and Names Drive. She was walking with two young children, both under the age of five, and may have been under the influence, according to law enforcement.
The Nevada County District Attorney's Office says the woman was armed with a knife and at some point, one of the deputies fired five shots, hitting and killing the woman.
Both children were taken into protective custody.
"There is no physical injuries to those children," Chris Walsh with the Nevada County District Attorney's Office said. "We have some information that she may have previously lived in Oregon."
A source at the scene told CBS13 the woman had issues with Child Protective Services in Oregon. When deputies arrived on the scene, sources say the woman said, "You are not going to take my children away."
No other information has been released. The deputies were not injured. Authorities asked the public to avoid the area of Names and Alta Sierra drives while investigators were on the scene.
The shooting happened in a residential area of Alta Sierra. Some neighbors heard the violence.
"The kids are in the backyard and I heard some shouting, I thought it was the kids across the street who like to play, I thought it was playful at first. And then I heard more shouting and I heard kids crying and then I heard gunshots," neighbor Joslin Quist said.
The DA's office is leading this investigation with help from the Truckee and Grass Valley police departments. There is no bodycam footage available because the Nevada County Sheriff's Office does not have body cameras, but investigators are looking into dashcam footage.
The Nevada County sheriff's office has been excused from the investigation and the deputies involved have been placed on administrative leave.
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