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Call Kurtis: My Package Sat With UPS For 7 Months

An 81-year old Sacramento man returned hearing aids that didn't work for him. When his refund didn't come after seven months of waiting, it was time to call Kurtis.

He thought the company in Virginia got his hearing aids when he shipped them back via UPS in April.

Turns out, it was sitting with UPS for seven months. How did this happen?

John Kehoe already has one hearing aid but still had trouble hearing.

"So when I saw the Lee Majors ad, I thought 'Oh! There might be the answer!'" says John.

John paid more than $339 for a pair of Lee Majors Rechargeable Bionic Hearing Aids. They didn't work for him so he called the company for a refund.

In early April, he shipped them back via UPS. And for the next seven months, John says he called and wrote to the company, asking "Where's my money?"

"Oh, must've been a problem in our accounting problem, we'll look into it," says John of the company's response.

John used to be the head of Consumer Affairs under Gov. Ronald Reagan.

Now, he needed help.

We looked up John's UPS tracking number. Turns out, the package was sent to the wrong address in Virginia so it was returned to UPS in West Sacramento.

And because UPS' computer system had an outdated address for John, it never made it back to him.

But his phone number is the same and John says the UPS Store never called him.

We contacted UPS Corporate, which said they returned it to the store where he initially shipped it. The store's manager says they called John three times.

But John says that's not true.

After we got involved, the UPS Store returned the package to him.

We then contacted Bionic Hearing Aids and explained what happened. They agreed, even seven months later, if he mailed them back, they would make an exception refunding John's money.

"Oh that's terrific!" says John.

This time, we went along to make sure it was sent to the correct address.

John learned his lesson. "Make sure the system has the right address," says John.

When you send packages off with UPS, the store clerk is usually the one that types in the address, so be sure you double-check the shipping and the return address so there's no mix-up.

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