Brown Vetoes Bill Limiting Drone Surveillance
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CBS/AP) — Gov. Jerry Brown has vetoed a bill that would have placed strict limits on law enforcement agencies using unmanned aerial drones for surveillance.
The governor's office announced that the bill was one of more than a dozen pieces of legislation he vetoed Sunday.
AB1327 by Republican Assemblyman Jeff Gorrell of Camarillo would have required government agencies to get warrants before conducting surveillance with drones and would have required that they publicly announce their intent to buy and use them.
It was passed by the Legislature in the last days of its session last month.
Brown said in a statement that the bill appears to be too narrow and could go beyond what the state and federal constitutions would prohibit.
"There are undoubtedly circumstances where a warrant is appropriate," he wrote. "The bill's exceptions, however, appear to be too narrow and could impose requirements beyond what is required by either the 4th Amendment or the privacy provisions in the California Constitution."
(Copyright 2014 - The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)
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