WATCH: Wild Videos Show Bears Confronting People Inside Kings Beach Stores
KINGS BEACH (CBS13) — Incredible videos show some scary confrontations between bears and people inside a Kings Beach grocery store and convenience store in recent weeks.
A surveillance video recorded on Aug. 30 shows a bear lying on the Kings Beach Chevron convenience store floor eating candy and crackers. The hungry visitor spent 20 minutes inside the store before it finally had its fill. A couple of weeks before, on Aug. 12, a bear was inside the store, followed by a customer swatting at the bear's backside.
And a surveillance video from Aug. 29 shows an employee trying to prevent a bear from entering the store, until the bear makes a quick move forward, lunging at the employee who quickly backs away. That employee is Paul Heigh
"It was kinda scary, yeah, I'm not going to lie," Heigh said. "It's not in the job description no, not at all. Fighting off bears was not in the job description."
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And it's not only at the gas station store.
A separate video shows a bear inside a Kings Beach Safeway supermarket on Aug. 30. It's one of the same bears that has become a frequent customer inside Kings Beach businesses.
Ann Bryant with the BEAR League has reached out to both Safeway and the Chevron stores about how to prevent more of these interactions.
"The bear should not be going into buildings where someone could shoot him or kill him or the Department of Wildlife could kill him," Bryant said.
Bryant has advised the gas station to put out Pine-Sol as a deterrent for the bears. She has advised the Kings Beach Safeway to disable their automatic doors, to help keep the bears out.