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Young Child Used in Anti-McCain Ad

From CBS News' Michelle Levi:

Washington, DC -- In a joint effort, labor union AFSCME and political action committee have launched a new ad campaign accusing McCain of "counting on" a new generation of Americans to serve in Iraq by suggesting the possibility of an young child's future deployment.

The 30 second spot features a young mother holding her toddler son, Alex . She explains his talent for trying new food, chasing their dog and pulling on her heart strings. In a dramatic turn, the mother asks, " So, John McCain, when you said you would stay in Iraq for 100 years, were you counting on Alex? " She looks at her child and says "Because if you were, you can't have him."

"What the ad will do is sort of emotionally get to the voter about what is at stake if McCain wins," Communications Director Ilyse Hogue tells CBS News. "It speaks to people's fears and worries" that America may be sending another generation to Iraq, Hogue added.

Pollster Anna Greenburg who has woked with on guaging the effectiveness of their adverstisements says the simplicty of this ad drives its message. On a conference call with reporters, Greenburg said this spot tested higher in audience influence than any other ad tested for the PAC -- an outcome she attributes to the " straightforward and clear" message and "trustworthy" messenger.

AFSCME representative Paul Booth told reporters that the collaboration between the groups "indicates that progressive forces are coming together with the same objective...want[ing] someone in the White House who will put real problems" at the forefront. While the groups have no current plans to work toegther in the future, Booth says, if their objectives overlap in the next 20 weeks leading up to the general election they will certainly consider another joint venture.

The ad buy totaled $540,000 and was split "roughly evenly" between AFSME and The ad will start airing Wednesday on CNN, MSNBC, Washington, DC broadcasts as well as in select television markets in Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.

To view the ad, click here

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