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You'll Get Nothing But Cheese and You'll Like It

School administrators have found an effective way to crack down on students who engage in food fights: Let them eat cheese. And nothing else.

Students at Atlantic City High School were served plain cheese sandwiches for two days this week as punishment for a cell phone-coordinated food fight that broke out recently.

One parent likened the American cheese between two dry slices of plain white bread to "a prison meal."

"I know it's food they were throwing around, but some people are allergic to cheese," said senior James Blake. "I can see if they served peanut butter and jelly. But just cheese? It's ridiculous."

School Superintendent Fredrick Nickles declined through an aide to comment. But he told The Press of Atlantic City the school supplies only the basic food requirement when there's been a food-throwing incident, adding that the policy has been effective through the years.

The punishment affects students in the lunch period when the fight broke out, not all three lunch periods.

"Not everyone was involved in it," said senior Jailene Bermudez. "It's not fair to those who didn't take part."

The menu was back to normal on Friday, with students able to choose among entrees including honey barbecue chicken, burgers, fries, pizza, tacos and tuna salad.

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