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York, Pa. Mayor: Obama "Got It Right"

In the wake of the uproar following Barack Obama's comments about how some voters "get bitter" and "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," the Obama campaign has released a so-called "robo-call" featuring York, Pennsylvania mayor John Brenner. In the call, Brenner defends Obama and says "he's got it right."

to listen to the call.
"Barack Obama understands us," Brenner says. "He's got it right, we are frustrated -- frustrated with polices that enable businesses to leave our community, pensions to be stripped, health care benefits to be taken away and homes foreclosed. Unlike his opponents, who have been part of the Washington establishment that are out of touch with us, Barack Obama will change Washington. It is policies that hurt us. He will take on the special interests and fight for us."
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