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Wildfire Web Sites

Few other things conjure up as much fear as wildfires. But whether you are in Florida battling the latest fires first hand, live in a wildfire-prone area, or just fear what this unpredictable phenomenon can do to you and your home, the Internet has a wealth of resources and information on wildfires and how to prevent them.

Florida Today: This Brevard County newspaper's special report offers an archive of recent stories on the blazes burning in Florida, a list of emergency phone numbers, and tips on how to prevent forest fires and cope with them if they threaten your home.

Wildlife Fire Assessment System: A site maintained by the USDA Forest Service for research into forest fires. It includes daily fire prediction maps for the lower 48 states and Alaska.

American Red Cross: The national emergency relief agency provides practical information on preventing wildfires, protecting your home against them, and what to do when fires threaten your neighborhood.

Firewise: Sponsored by the Forest Service and Department of the Interior among other agencies, this site provides more practical information on how to prevent forest fires, including an interactive home rating scale.

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