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Wife of Amazon CEO calls book about husband "lopsided and misleading"

Jeff Bezos' wife blasts book on Amazon founder 02:47

(CBS News)'s chief executive officer Jeff Bezos is the 19th richest man in the world and his website is the world's largest internet retailer. Bezos started the company 20 years ago.

Last month, an exhaustive new book, "The Everything Store" debuted to mostly glowing reviews and Bezos himself hasn't commented publicly about the tell-all. However, now his wife, Mackenzie Bezos isn't holding back.

Mackenzie Bezos created a stir Monday with a scathing 900 word write-up about Brad Stone's book.

Her review slams the work as "a lopsided and misleading portrait of the people and culture at Amazon."

Mackenzie Bezos points to the beginning in which Stone said that her husband was inspired to launch Amazon after reading Kazuo Ishiguro's "Remains of the Day."

"It's a good beginning, and it weaves in nicely with what's to come. But it's not true," Bezos wrote. "Jeff didn't read 'Remains of the Day' until a year after he started Amazon."

Married for 20 years, Mackenzie Bezos has long been her husband's number one fan. In an interview with Charlie Rose earlier this year, she talked about how Amazon came to be and said, "You know I'm not a business person, so to me, what I'm hearing when he tells that idea is the passion and the excitement. And to me, watching your spouse, somebody that you love, have an adventure. What is better than that? And being part of that."

But as far as "The Everything Store" is concerned, Mackenzie Bezos wrote "I find way too many inaccuracies, and unfortunately that casts doubt over every episode in the book."

Stone wouldn't grant a CBS News request for an interview, but his spokesperson released a statement, which read: "'The Everything Store' has been reviewed widely and praised for its even-handedness. He regrets the mistake about the year in which Mr. Bezos read the 'Remains of the Day,' and we will correct this in subsequent printings."

Stone says he conducted over 300 interviews for the book which he promoted on "CBS This Morning" last month.

"He's clearly one of the most remarkable CEO's in business right now," said Stone on the show.

Mackenzie Bezos one-star review stands out against the more than two dozen five- star ratings on Amazon, yet, at last check more than a thousand people found the review "helpful."

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