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White House Expresses Shock Over Iraq Shooting

A White House spokesman said Monday that President Obama was shocked by the mass shooting at a U.S. base in Baghdad.

A U.S. soldier on Monday reportedly opened fire on his fellow troops at Camp Liberty near Baghdad International Airport and killed five people before he was apprehended. The shooting occurred in a clinic for soldiers coping with stress.

"The president's heart goes out to the families and friends of all the servicemembers involved in this horrible tragedy," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday. "He was shocked by the news of this incident and will press to ensure that we fully understand what happened at the clinic and that we are doing everything we can to ensure that our men and women in uniform are protected."

The president will meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates this afternoon to further discuss the incident.

At the Pentagon, Gates said, "We're still in the process of gathering information on exactly what happened."

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