While Campaigning in Montana, Clinton Reveals Secret Service Codename

PABLO, MT. - Perhaps it was her surroundings or even the altitude, but at an outdoor rally set among evergreens and snowcapped mountains, Hillary Clinton disclosed the codenames assigned to her and her husband by Secret Service, something the protective unit does to divert attention from eavesdroppers over radio waves.
As agents stood nearby, Clinton told the crowd "I was thinking about the sculpture called Eagle Spirit. When you're president, the Secret Service gives you and your family member's code names, it's already made public so I'm not spilling some big secret here, but my husband's codename was 'Eagle' and my codename was 'Evergreen' so I feel, you know, like I'm surrounded by my totems here."
Clinton is correct in mentioning that the names have been made public, but it is certainly something Secret Service would have preferred to not have broadcast on television across Montana.
Clinton seemed to discuss the codename in the past tense, as though it was only used when she was the First Lady, but the codename is still utilized by Secret Service today. Oftentimes one can hear an agent whisper into the microphone that "Evergreen" has left an event site or "Evergreen" has boarded the airplane.
Other codenames (found easily on the internet) include "Tumbler" for President George H.W. Bush and "Tranquility" for his wife Barbara. "Rawhide" was the choice for the late President Ronald Reagan while his wife Nancy enjoyed the name "Rainbow."
During the event in Pablo, Clinton also took a jab at her opponent Barack Obama without naming him, something she hasn't done in quite some time. It came during the question and answer period when Clinton was asked what she would have Americans sacrifice if she became president. Clinton said she will ask people to work hard to make change adding, "I am not one of those who comes to you and says, 'elect me and the world will be better.' You'll hear celestial choirs, life will improve.' I've lived long enough to know that's not what brings about change, what brings about change is hard work."