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Which Way Will They Go?

After weeks of frenzied speculation and endless guessing, we'll soon know whether the Democratic Party has managed to wrest control of at least one chamber of Congress away from Republican control. While "conventional wisdom" has recently coalesced around the idea of a big night for Dems, we're starting to see just a bit of hedging going on, at least in the headlines. The Washington Post this morning carries this header: "Parties Crank Up Voter Turnout Efforts." But the subhead notes: "Amid the Last-Minute Blitz; Some Polls Hold Positive Signs for Republicans."

The New York Times headline echoes that sentiment: "Bush Trumpets Verdict in Iraq As Some Polls Lift G.O.P. Spirits." But the USA Today apparently didn't get the memo, where the front-page story leads with this: "Democrats, poised to score gains in the U.S. Senate, are struggling to pull ahead in the final seat they need to win control." Not a whole lot has actually changed since last week, when most of the headlines and stories centered around Dem prospects for big wins. Of course, in dealing with unknowable events like elections, it's never a bad idea to get all the bases covered.

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