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Whew! Pat Robertson: No Nuclear Holocaust in '11

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson says God told him that the U.S. is bankrupt and heading into economic turmoil, but there won't be a global nuclear holocaust.

On Monday's broadcast of CBN News' "The 700 Club," Robertson said he's "not a psychic," but he asks God for direction at the beginning of each year, and sometimes God gives it to him.

Robertson said God told him that America's lenders will demand repayment - not this year, but in 2012 - and the U.S. won't be able to pay, resulting in currency collapse, rampant unemployment and riots.

700 Club Video: Robertson's Divine Revelations

But he quoted God as saying "I will protect my people," and "I am not going to let men destroy the world with nuclear bombs."

Some of Robertson's past forecasts have failed to pan out. Four years ago, he said God warned him that in 2007 there would be major terrorist attacks on cities that could kill millions of people.

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