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What Was Andy Thinking…In 2004?

Haters, rejoice: Our "What Was Andy Thinking?" feature is just one week away from its swan song. We're preparing a lengthy, heartfelt retrospective,* but in the meantime, please enjoy this latest installment in the series, in which we bring you a year's worth of Andy Rooney commentary topics. This time around, the year is 2004, the year of President George W. Bush's reelection, the Madrid and Chechen terrorist attacks, the Asian tsunami, Massachusetts legalizing same-sex marriage, and "The Passion of the Christ." Andy, per usual, took on some topics that made headlines and some that didn't. In the latter category are commentaries on smart cars, kitchen gadgets, and things Andy doesn't want for Christmas. The full list of commentary topics is below. (OAD means original air date.)

*not actually true.

01/04/04: "Window Dressing At It's Best" - mannequins in store windows

01/11/04: "Andy On Post-Holiday Cleaning" - Andy cleaned out his closet

01/25/04: "Ground Control To Mr. Bush" - Andy is ambivalent about President Bush's proposed manned expeditions to the moon and then Mars

02/08/04: "Showtime At The Super Bowl" - Andy talks about the half time show

02/15/04: "Is It Really A Deal?" - misleading ads

02/22/04: "As God Told Me..." - the movie "The Passion Of The Christ"

02/29/04: "Those Maddening Movie Ads" - ads that run before a movie begins

03/07/04: "The True Things In Life" - Andy lists some

03/14/04: "The `Passion' Over Rooney" - Andy reads some of the record-breaking responses to his 02/22/04 commentary

03/21/04: "Want To Marry? Take A Test" - it's too easy to get a marriage license

03/28/04: "Charity Asks. Should You Give?" - legitimate charities asking for donation

04/04/04: "The Big Book Business" - not every author gets rich from the sale of his book

04/11/04: "The Joy Of Kitchen Tools" - kitchen gadgets that Andy owns but never uses

04/25/04: "Gas Prices: Who's To Blame?" - Americans react to the high price of gasoline

05/02/04: "A Hot-Button Issue: Clutter" - Andy looks at the people who create it and those who clear it

05/09/04: "Tired Of The Campaign?" - the people who listen to the candidates are people who have already decided who they are going to vote for

05/16/04: "Let's Have A Smart Board" - the government should create an academic board to help advise politicians

05/23/04: "Our Darkest Days Are Here" - the day the world learned about the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by the U.S. military

05/30/04: "Memorial" - Andy Rooney pays tribute to the U.S. soldiers who have died serving their country in the Iraq War.

06/06/04: "The 60th Anniversary of D-Day" - Andy looks back at the events of June 6, 1944

06/27/04: "Enough To Drive One To Rage" - things that other drivers do the enrage Andy (OAD: 10/30/03)

07/11/04: "The Important Questions" - questions Andy would have asked Senators John Kerry and John Edwards

07/25/04: "In Search Of The Perfect Diet Book" - diet fads (OAD: 10 26/03)

08/01/04: "What I Like And Dislike" - Andy lists both the things he likes and things he dislikes (OAD: 11/23/03)

08/08/04: "The Smart Car" - Andy takes one of the newest mini cars for a spin around New York City

08/22/04: "No Gifts Please" - things that are sent to Andy (OAD: 09/14/03)

09/05/04: "RNC: An Economic Bust?" - cities never get rich from a political convention

09/19/04: "A Preview Of The Season" - preview of what Andy will do this season

09/26/04: "Get Out The Vote...If You Care" - a message to Americans who didn't care enough to vote in the last election

10/03/04: "An Idea For CBS News" - to reestablish credibility, CBS should turn The CBS Evening News With Dan Rather into a one-hour public service broadcast airing seven days a week

10/10/04: "Rooney: The Undecided" - what Andy thinks of the debates and undecided voters

10/17/04: "Tracking Down Andy's Lexus" - Andy is still attached to his old car

10/24/04: "Too Many Weapons?" - the U.S. spends too much on equipment and not enough on our soldiers

10/31/04: "Please Choose" - Andy wants to help wishy-washy Americans to choose a presidential candidate

11/07/04: "Losing Always Hurts" - Andy's thought on the winner and losers - past and present - in presidential elections

11/14/04: "Changing The Rules" - things Andy would change about sports

11/21/04: "Letters To Andy Rooney" - what viewers and colleagues have written to Andy over the year

11/28/04: "Making Your Change Count" - Andy saves his change and cashes it in at the bank

12/05/04: "Don't Buy This For Me" - a list of things Andy doesn't want for Christmas

12/12/04: "Andy Rooney: CBS News Anchor" - what life would be like as an anchor

12/19/04: "Don't Be Afraid" - we shouldn't spend all our time worrying about a terrorist attack

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