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What Ryan Reynolds learned from Denzel Washington on the "Safe House" set

(CBS) When Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds teamed up for the new action-packed film, "Safe House," due in theaters Friday, it  was  a learning  experience for Reynolds.

. Washington stars in the movie as Tobin Frost, a villainous traitor who goes on the run after his CIA-operated safe house location is attacked in South Africa. Ryan Reynolds' character goes along for the ride.

We sat down in New York with the two stars, and Reynolds told us that working with Washington was an educational experience:  "You learn so much from working with a guy like him. He brings a kind of discipline I don't think I've ever seen before. It's just in his DNA," Reynolds said.

Washington told us that he didn't purposely try to teach his younger co-star anything in particular, but merely just tried to lead by example.

"I'm busy doing my job," the Oscar winner told us, "No matter how far along you get in this business, I think there's still a certain fear that you don't want to screw up. You want to do a good job. So if he learned from any of that, good."

Watch our interviews with Washington and Reynolds at the top and bottom of this story.

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