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What Impact Has 9/11 Had On You?

As part of our special coverage of the anniversary of 9/11, wants to hear from you. And we want other readers to hear from you.

We are asking readers to e-mail us brief, thoughtful responses to this question: One year later, what impact has 9/11 had on you? will publish the best of these essays in a special section called “What You Saw” on Wednesday, Sep. 11, 2002.

We want to hear personal and specific accounts of what 9/11 has meant to you, your life, your community or your family.

If the meaning of 9/11 is captured by your memory of where you were that day, tell us the story. If you have witnessed a life changed, describe it to us. If your child was touched, tell us how. If you have been inspired to new goals, tell us what they are.

Anecdotes, colorful details and real conversations are good. Big political theories are less good.

Please keep your e-mails to less than 300 words. Let us know how you wish to be identified if your essay is published and make sure we have your preferred e-mail address.

Be a part of the community on this important day in our history.

E-mail your submissions to:

By submitting, you are giving us permission to publish your essay on

The deadline is Wednesday, Sep. 4, 2002.

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