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Web Searching Gets Down to Business

Instead of sifting through thousands of web site listings, when you're looking for businesses, try Company chairman Sam Akmakjian...

"If you're looking for a retailer or professional services...a plumber, doctor, lawyer, accountant, would use our site. We aren't into the other sites that are maybe more for fun, let's say. This is if you're really looking to get something done. If you're looking for a restaurant, if you're searching for a business."
One of the key tools that makes finding businesses easy, is the ability to narrow the choices down...

"When you do a search on our site, you can search either by demographic location such as state and city or by zip code...and so what we've done is we've narrowed your search down to the location that you're looking for."
For instance...let's look for a dentist....

"And then as you press on the dentist subcategory, you'll be given a specialty and here you'll see all the dental sub-specialties...such as cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, implant dentistry...and merely by pointing and clicking onto general dentistry you're directed into a search page."
You drill to filling in your zip code. The site

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