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Watch two men aged 94 and 95 compete in a sprint

(CBS News) Today happens to be your blogger's birthday. (The best present you could give me would be to tell all your friends about The Feed!) And I have this theory that after a certain point in your 20s, with the exception of significant milestones, the whole birthday thing tends to hold less sway, and really just reminds you that you're getting a bit older each year. Which seems less terrible after watching these two men, aged 94 and 95, compete against each another in a 60-meter sprint above. Who will win in this battle between old and, err, slightly older? Watch and see!

And "youth" wins out by a nose hair! All kidding aside, it's inspiring to see these two men compete and show that they can still "run with the bulls" in their 90s. (A very apt phrase, as you'll soon see.) The video was posted by EasoSport, and the event took place recently at the Veteran Games in San Sebastien, Spain. The 60-meter sprint saw two (still-going-strong) legends, 94-year-old Emiel Pauwels of Belgium, beat out 95-year-old Ilmari Koppinen of Finland. However, a big triple-rainbow salute of athletic excellence goes out to both for showing us that age is just a number!

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