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Wackiest Prediction Yet?

Every political analyst loves turning conventional wisdom upside down with a strong counter narrative, but conservative blogger Ed Morrissey wins the election eve award for optimism.

In Sunday's "Crystal Ball" contest in The Washington Post, Morrissey, the brains behind the popular conservative blog Hot Air and founder of the blog Captains Quarters, predicted House Democrats will hold 233 seats, with Republicans standing at 202.

Wow. For that dream to come true Democrats would have to LOSE a net of two seats on Tuesday. Conservative estimates for Democratic gains have been in the eight to 12 range, and some House Republican sources have predicted 25 to 30 seat loss for the GOP. Not a single major publication or political analyst has predicted any Republican gains tomorrow in the House.

So we salute Morrissey for his sunny optimism amid a bleak crowd of pessimists, but we're not taking his predictions to Vegas.


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